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Luke Turvold

I was born and raised in Red Wing, Minnesota, located along the banks of the Mississippi River approximately 45 miles south of St. Paul. My mom and dad, who both still live in Red Wing, were born and raised in Minnesota. My mom worked at the elementary school I attended and my dad was a social worker. I have one sister, who also happens to be a teacher. My parents taught me to be kind to people, and to work hard but take the time to appreciate and enjoy the simple gifts in life. I’ve given up on most of my childhood pursuits except playing hockey; I still play on a men’s league hockey team. If I could re-live one part of my life it would be my college years at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Duluth will always remain a very special place for me; it is where I met my wife, many of my closest friends, and played for the infamous broomball team, the Screaming Zambonis. 

I’ve been a teacher in St. Paul for all of my adult life, but during my high school/college years I worked as a hired hand on a dairy farm, a divot-filler at Mississippi National Golf Course, a “gopher” in a lumber yard, I was a baseball field groundskeeper for the City of Red Wing, and an after-school child care worker in Duluth at Chester Park Elementary, to name a few. Of all the jobs I’ve had, I’d have to say that teaching has been the most interesting by far! This year is my 13th year teaching in St. Paul Public Schools, and my first at OWL. I spent the first 7 years of my career teaching in the juvenile corrections education programs, and the last 5 at Gordon Parks High School.  When I’m not in school I like to spend my time with my wife, children (my son is 6 years old and my daughter is 4) and our dog – a boxer-mix named Kona. I also enjoy running (especially with my dog on wooded trails), cooking, playing hockey, going “up north”, and watching my kids do the things that they love to do. 

I am privileged to be working at OWL, teaching 6th grade Social Studies and 9/10 Human Geography - and I’m looking forward to another exciting school year.