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Senior Information

Our 12th grade students participate in a Senior Seminar that supports them in achieving three main goals:

  • Senior Graduation Portfolio 
  • College Application Process
  • Senior Expedition 

Graduation Portfolio

During the first semester, students complete the graduation portfolio.  This document becomes a summative record of not only what each student learned while at OWL, it serves as a narrative transcript of their achievements.  It is designed to be shared with friends and family, as well as with college admissions officers.  Many colleges have reported to us that they love how the portfolio makes our student's applications take on a three dimensional quality, enabling OWL graduates to stand out as unique individuals in the admission process.  While not always easy to write, creating a portfolio is nearly always a meaningful process that can offer significant personal growth.  This snapshot of their thinking at this moment of their lives also creates enduring keepsake for our graduates. 

The porfolio consists of seven reflection letters, at least four letters of recommendation from staff and samples of exemplary work and awards.  The reflection letters, typically 1-2 pages typed, are designed to encompass what the student learned in each given area, as well as discuss the significance of this learning on their overall education and human development. Students compose letters in the following areas:

  • Post High Plans (an outline of what the student plans to achieve after graduation and how they intend to accomplish it)
  • Coherent Communication (covering the areas of English, Art and World Languages)
  • Social Studies 
  • Science and Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Service (Reflecting on students 300 hours of service and what was learned)
  • Personal Development (Reflection on how student has grown as a person during their time at OWL)

The link below is a sample portfolio that can be reviewed.

Sample Graduation Portfolio