EL Education
Empowering Excellent, Equitable Outcomes for All Students
Teaching in an EL Education school fosters curiosity about the world by creating learning situations that provide something important to think about, time to experiment, and time to make sense of what is observed. Take a look at the two videos below that focus on two key aspects of EL Education schools: Work That Matters and Academic Success.
Video: Work that Matters
Video: Cultivating Secondary and Post-Secondary Success
Open World Learning Community is a fully credentialed, mentor school within the national network of EL Education schools, which promote rigorous and engaging curriculum; active, inquiry-based pedagogy; and a school culture that demands and teaches compassion and good citizenship. EL schools are based on the Outward Bound model, which starts with the belief that we learn best through experience.
What are Learning Expeditions?
Our curriculum is designed around experiential Learning Expeditions - multidisciplinary projects that allow students to investigate issues in our school community and the greater world. The study of big ideas enables us to weave together work in science, English, social studies, math, technology and the arts. When possible, our expeditions result in high-quality information for audiences beyond the classroom.
We encourage our students to think in many ways by:
- offering choices of writing topics and choices of selective classes
- encouraging discussion, debate, and reflection in all classes
- getting them out of school and into museums, colleges, work-sites and natural environments
- bringing in experts in fields related to our studies
- letting their individual curiosity and passion drive their projects
- by expanding their world through service learning
For more information on EL Education Schools, visit www.elschools.org.