OWL Weekly Email: Read the latest news bulletin
OWL Weekly Email
September 16, 2024
In an effort to increase communication with our students and families, we send a weekly email on Sunday evenings or Monday mornings highlighting upcoming school events. This information will also be shared with students in Schoology and in Crew on Mondays. Events are listed in chronological order.
Welcome to Week 3: Monday, September 16 is a B day.
Monday survey: 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students interested in being tutors should complete this application to join the OWL Tutor Program. Thanks in advance for your service to OWL!
THIS WEEK School Picture Day is Monday, September 16: Information on purchasing pictures from Lifetouch was sent home this week. HERE is a digital flyer. If you would like to order photos online, go HERE. The event code is: EVTST6CQ9. Whether you are buying pictures or not, all students will have their picture taken for Student ID and Yearbook purposes.
Auditions for OWL Theater’s Fall Play A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Auditions are coming up!
Auditions will be Monday September 16th and Tuesday 17th afterschool from 3-5pm. Signups are on the Call Board outside the auditorium.
•Actors: Students will be given a monologue to read at auditions. They will need to arrange a ride home after their 5-minute time slot. If students cannot arrange a ride, they may audition Tuesday during Crew - email Rebekah for a time.
•Designers: Design Crew is responsible for sets, costumes, props, lights, sound, and projections. Design Crew applications are due to the folder outside the auditorium by Wednesday September 18th by 3pm.
Important Dates:
Auditions, Design Crew Signups
Mon Sept 16th & Tues Sept 17th - Auditions 3-5pm, students sign up for a time
Wed Sept 18th - Callbacks list posted, 8am outside auditorium
Wed Sept 18th- Design Applications Due to Auditorium Callboard by 3pm
Thurs Sept 19th - Callbacks 3-6pm
Tuesday October 1st - Parent/Guardian Info Meeting - 6pm-7pm (auditorium space 5-7pm) - All students involved in the play must attend, along with one adult.
Monday Oct 7th - First Rehearsal - All Called - Flipside Begins, Busing Begins
December 11th, 12th, 13th at 7pm in the OWL Auditorium
Questions: rebekah.rentzel@spps.org
We’ll see you at the show!
Meanwhile…check out this cool article by the National Endowment for the Arts about our Spring Play ~ UPSTREAM ~ a collaboration with Mixed Blood Theatre. Students in the fall Theatre for Social Change classes will be collaborating with the playwrights. Sign up now!
OWL Community Group Meeting—Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30 PM in the OWL Cafeteria: We invite students, parents, guardians and staff to learn about how you can help contribute to a rich learning environment, support our fantastic staff & build community.
The OWL Community group combines the functions of our former Site Council and PTO. In addition to the school governance advisory role of the site council, the group works to enrich student learning by continuing PTO functions that provide funding for fall retreats, spring interim courses, program grants for teachers to enhance classroom expeditions, transportation for fieldwork, MCA snacks, and more. In addition, we support opportunities for community building at the Fall Family Gathering, the annual Potluck for Teachers, the spring fundraiser, selling OWL spirit wear, and more. If you would like to volunteer this year, please go HERE (The link works now-sorry!) If you have questions, contact Dave: dave.gundale@spps.org.
Family Reminders: If you have not completed the Back to school forms (formerly the iUpdate—linked here) please do this ASAP. Also, do not forget to complete the form at SchoolCafe (linked here)—we need each family to do this. Finally, please pay the fee for FALL RETREATS (linked here) (scholarships available upon request). Please call 651-293-8670 or email tammy.plaman@spps.org if you need any help with the above.
Fall Retreat Week—September 24-27 (September 23-26 for senior trip): Coming up in 3 weeks, we will have a big week of learning, service and adventure. We have some great experiences planned. If you did not complete forms at goal-setting conferences, we will be sending them home with your students the first day of school.
•If your student needs to take MEDICATION while on retreat, please get them (in original containers) to Nurse Colleen by Friday, September 6.
Look for more information to come from your grade level team. ALL students are expected to participate in their grade-level retreat.
*VOLUNTEER to be a CHAPERONE for Fall Retreats: We still need more chaperones to pull off our ambitious fall retreat week. If you are able to volunteer, please do. Link to sign up. Thanks!
NEW! Interested in trying out archery? You can come to an Open Shoot and try it out without committing to the team on the following days: October 8th, 22nd, and 29th, and November 12th and the 19st. No sign-ups needed and Open Shoots are 100% free. See our website here or email openworldarchery@gmail.com for more information. No rides home provided, but if the student is signed up for Flipside they can take that bus home.
NEW! Robotics Starts Soon! Are you a 9-12 student interested in building, programming, driving, or teaching other about robots? Are you a budding entrepreneur interested in designing a business plan to raise money for a STEM initiative? Maybe you just want to design and 3D print things? Then robotics may be for you! Preseason starts soon and you can see more information at our website. Ready to sign up? Do so at this link. Maybe you just want to support the team and keep it free to join by funding our Donor's Choose or buying something off our Amazon Wish List. Contact owlopencircuits@gmail.com for more information of if your workplace in interested in sponsoring the team.
SAVE THE DATE! The OWL Fall Family Gathering will be Tuesday, October 15, 5:30-8 pm, at the Dakota Lodge in West St. Paul. Come together with the OWL community for food, fun and friendship in a beautiful location. Look for more information in future weekly emails.
After School Programming Begins: Monday, October 7.
Flipside is the fun & free afterschool program for Humboldt and OWL. This program is open to all grades and will begin on October 7th. Classes meet from 3-5 pm either on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays. The class options and registration form will be available here in the coming weeks.
PSAT Testing is Monday, October 14 for all OWL 11th grade students, plus 10th grade students who wish to take the test. The test is free for 11th graders. 10th graders wishing to take the test can reserve a spot for $18 (Scholarships are available). 10th graders, please fill out this form to register. Checks should be made out to “Office of College and Career Readiness.” For more information, contact testing coordinator Rebecca Palmer rebecca2.palmer@spps.org This test offers great practice taking a timed test in advance of the ACT to be given to juniors in the spring. The PSAT test is also the basis for National Merit Scholarships.
NO SCHOOL—Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18: State Teacher Convention (MEA weekend)
Dia de los Muertos Celebration at OWL is Wednesday, October 30 at 6 PM: Come celebrate Latinx culture at OWL with this family friendly event with lots of fun and great food. Contact: Tim timothy.leone-getten@spps.org
One proven way to live a happy life is to express gratitude. Is there a staff member at OWL that has done something you are grateful for? Shoot them an email! An alternative and way has been made available by filling out this link. (This form requires an email but is sent anonymously.)
OWL believes that access to menstrual/period products is a right. If you are able to donate to help us provide free menstrual/period products so that they are always available, please consider donating some by dropping them off with Tammy in the front office. From there we will make sure they get to where they are needed.
Interested in downhill ski racing? Join the St. Paul Alpine Ski Team (SPAST)! The team is open to SPPS students in grades 7-12. Spots are limited so priority will be given to high school students. While some alpine skiing experience is necessary, racing experience is not required. It should be noted this is a race team and not a ski club. The team practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Afton Alps. The activity fee is $250/$40 for free and reduced lunch. In addition, skiers will need their own equipment, and a season pass to Afton is required (currently $501, price does increase as season gets closer). Bussing is provided and departs from Central and Highland High School. Please fill out this form to sign up to be invited to our informational meeting or email annekettler@yahoo.com for more information.
Donors Choose Projects for OWL: Donations to support the work of OWL students are gratefully accepted!
Robotics Supplies for Open Circuits
Provides radio, metal, and motor parts for OWL's FIRST Robotics Competition team, the Open Circuits.
Friday Fun Time: De-Stress and Celebrate
Provides enrichment supplies to ALL of OWL's 23 Crews.
Community Announcements:
Youth (ages 15-18) Job opportunity with Conservation Corps—go HERE for more information.
Important Reminder about Attendance:
If your child is going to miss school, please call, email owlattendance@spps.org or write a note to explain the reason for the absence. If we do not hear from you, the absence is documented as unexcused. After 3 days of unexcused absences, you will receive a letter from the school reminding you to please communicate with us so the absence(s) may be documented accurately. If your child continues to miss school, unexcused, he/she will be referred to the SAM (School Attendance Matters) Program for intervention.
The following reasons for absence qualify as an excused absence; illness, doctor, dental or therapy appointment (please be sure to obtain a note to give to the school), extreme family emergency or religious holiday not already recognized by our school district. When a student misses 3 or more class periods in one day, this is considered to be a full day of absence. Please call us if you have any questions/concerns.
OWL Schoolwide Norms
· Respect people, their boundaries and identities, materials, and spaces
· Be kind, caring and friendly, especially when it’s difficult
· Keep an open mind: engage in opportunities and courageous conversation
· Help create safe and brave spaces so that everyone can be their authentic selves and speak their truths
· Actively listen and participate (one mic, one voice), staying engaged and following through on commitments and expectations. We are Crew, not passengers.