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Mock Trial

Mock Trial is a debate-based competition that pits schools against one another in presenting a pretend case. For example, this year, teams will work in trying to convict or defend a medical company CEO accused of murder in the Boundary Waters. The competition involves playing one of two main roles: witness and attorney. As a witness, you will follow and act as a specific character from the case materials, while also adapting on-the-fly to questions from the other team. As an attorney, you will work with a witness to tell a story, provide evidence, and question the opposing team's witnesses to break down their arguments. Essentially, your team works within the bounds of a premade legal case to present evidence, ask questions, and act as a group of characters.


If you’re interested in more information, talk to Aria Kulseth, Aanen Kulseth, Galadrial Barrett, Connie Van Genderen, or anyone else on the Mock Trial team. If you want to join, there will be a QR up around November of next year, when there will be a brand-new case.