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What's the hype about? Here's what Fraquetball essentially is.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Fraquetball, it is astudent-run sport exclusively at Open. The American Fraquetball Association (A.F.A. for short) is a non-profit organization. The game is composed of 2 teams of 2 people, and played in the 8th floor during lunch. Invented in 2002, the sport has evolved and rules have been made to create a high level of competition.The A.F.A.s main goal is to provide a recreational activity to the students of Open School during their lunch period.

  • Equipment: 4 ping pong paddles (1 for each person), 1 ping pong ball, lines (mid and goal lines).


  • The object of the game is to get the ping pong ball over the opposing teams' line. Players must stay within their field, and cannot cross the dividing line.


  • The first to seven points wins, but there must be a 2 point difference at the end of the game.


  • The ball can also go anywhere, but there are rules in which fouls are conducted. Their is a level of respect and spirit that is expected of every player.


  • Statistics are recoreded every game, and totalled up at the end of the 2 seasons played every year.


  • Awards are given out at the end of the season, such as Most Valuable Player, Most Improved Player and Rookie of The Year.


  • At the end of each season, playoffs are held and a Champion will be crowned.


  • NEWSFLASH!! This season The A.F.A. has 35 teams,the most ever in Fraquetball history. Anyone interested in watching, or even participating can talk to Koua Yang or Peter Moua.  

Visit the website to find out more.